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Our first market in Adelaide, South Australia
On October 15, 2023, Irrelevant Society marked a significant milestone at Gilles at the Grounds in Adelaide, South Australia, where we attended our first market. This event was not just a showcase of our men’s apparel but an opportunity to…

Who made our clothes? And who are they for?
Would you ask us where we made our clothes? We hope you do. We believe supporting ethical fashion is important, and it’s more closely related to the cause we fight than you may first think. From 23 to 29…

Why Do We Support A Men’s Behaviour Change Program
For men’s behaviour change programs to work, the attitude of our society must also change. Men’s behaviour change programs are a crucial part to end violence against women. As Michael Brandenburg from No To Violence says, taking responsibility for…

Merry Christmas!
Thanks for standing with us this year in the fight to end violence against women. On behalf of the whole team at Irrelevant Society, the charities you’ve enabled us to support and all the women and families helped we’ve helped…

Introducing this month’s charity – FVPLS
R.S. Dixon Every two months the Irrelevant Society donates 20% of profits to a different organisation working to end domestic violence. This June and July, all your purchases support Aboriginal Family Violence Prevention Legal Services Victoria (FVPLS). If you saw…